Acceptance Terms & Conditions

Order Terms

Quote / Work Order (Please insure all jobs have an order attached)

1. The work order or any part of it shall not be released until payment in full is received.  PPC also confirms on collection of the Order, it is to your satisfaction.

2. Turn around time is 3-5 working days from the Order or design/art approval.  The utmost care is given to all PPC work tho’ no liability is accepted for any loss or damage sustained by items not suppled by PPC.  Order balance is due on collection.

3. Estimates can only be finalised after the inspection of each item (or Order) to verify and determine the condition of what is to be powder coated and the preparation and labour to achieve the desired outcome.  Initial prep work is labour intensive.

4. Separate charges for labour, redoing previously coated items, supply of items, using steel and different quality coatings will be applied.

5. Save where required, no warranty is given where PPC is not the manufacturer of any ordered item.  Orders shall be deemed to be satisfactorily complete as soon as they are ready at which time, risk shall pass to the customer.

6. Quotes need to state 30days only , standard colours only. Special price for specially made powder

Tax Invoice

1. The work order or any part of it shall not be released until payment in full is received.  PPC also confirms on collection of the Order, it is to your satisfaction.

2. Turn around time is 3-5 working days from the Order or design/art approval.  The utmost care is given to all PPC work tho’ no liability is accepted for any loss or damage sustained by items not suppled by PPC.  Order balance is due on collection.

3. Payment Options: Direct credit BSB 014306 account 2254 82717 or cheque payable to ‘Kawana Powdercoating Pty Ltd”
trading as Pacific PowderCoating’.

4. For any reapplication (recoat) Dulux, the powder coat provider, cannot guarantee the colour, quality or longevity of the coating.  PPC can elect not to proceed with any recoat if it will not meet PPC minimum standard and quality required.

5. Save where required, no warranty is given where PPC is not the manufacturer of any ordered item.  Orders shall be deemed to be satisfactorily complete as soon as they are ready at which time, risk shall pass to the customer.

6. Any Quote is valid for 30 days.  PPC terms and conditions apply to each Sale or Order.

Contact Us

Send us an email or Call: 07 5437 7866

For any inquiries, please feel free to contact us.

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